Honestly, when I realized how amazing cock rings are, it was a total game changer. That feeling when it wraps around my dick... damn, it takes me from 0 to 100 real quick. The vibration, going from soft to intense, gives me this mix of pleasure and control that really gets me going. I'm telling you, it's not just the physical part, it's also the feeling of having power in my hands (literally and figuratively) that really turns me on.Now, there's another thing that's got me curious: anal toys. I'm still a virgin in that area, and I won't lie, I'm a bit scared to try them out. Maybe it's the fear of the unknown, or who knows, maybe it's the fact that staying a virgin in that area turns me on a little. It's like I'm drawn to the idea, but at the same time, I enjoy that middle ground between what I know and what's left to explore. One day I'll give it a go, but for now, cock rings have me more than satisfied.
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