I was so close to you that I held back, then shout. heyy I love you, your eye and you realize that I had already gone to the house in a taxi. You just call and your phone does not get answered, I was desperate and was about to sleep when the doorbell rang my house. I got up and went to open, then I saw it was you, I opened the door, I had your underwear and all I said was, "undress" I accept, and since that night I can not remember your big sleep penis in my ass, that was the most exciting thing I ever have felt. I love them and I send a kiss.Yo estaba tan cerca de ti que no me contuve, entonces grite. heyy te amo, tu volteaste y no te diste cuenta que yo ya me habia ido para la casa en un taxi. Te llame apenas llegue y tu celular no respondio, estaba desesperado y estaba a punto de dormir, cuando sono el timbre de mi casa. Me levante y fui a abrir, en ese momento vi que eras tu, abri la puerta, yo tenia ropa interior y tu lo unico que me dijiste fue, "desvistete" yo acepte, y desde esa noche no puedo dejar de dormir recordando tu gran pene dentro de mi culo, eso fue lo mas emocionante que haya sentido yo alguna vez. los quiero mucho y les mando un beso.
anywhere you can have sex only matters is the company that you have with the person you want to be thousands .... million citiso not where I would like to be doing this there are places that you never imagine for example the typical in the bathroom of an airplane did not draw much attention is a very narrow but could be fun for adrenaline and shock that can ocacionbar who can see the other people ncan be very exciting whether it would be something else incredible mm .. let me think it would be a good zotea a building height of the highest in the world will not end I love sex sex in the highest taking all risks mm hm lolnincredible else something serious in a forest outside the city where only fresh air and do not hear the noise of the city could be a magical place in the forest floor in a mackerel or would be amazing please do it in the house built in a tree uff where you only hear the natural soundnnature combined with the cries and moans that a large horgasmo dond that resounds throughout the forestnhopefully I can fulfill that dream would be a whole weekendnnnnnnnnnnnn
hello friends I had a dream night I dreamed I was hot with my math teacher having sex in the classroom all started when all my companions left the class I just take my teacher he started talking to me until I felt very close to kissed my neck felt a little scared but my cock began to put hard...so after that i told him that stop that craxy think but he said me, if i stoop you will reprove math so a told him, ok come and start to touch me now, he told me ok and never stop...he started to kiss my cheest and go down i was scared, tha some one hit the door so he stoop , it was the director of the uni, he said what are u doing...finally he said i want to do what u r doing...so i couldnt stop i was so horny and after minutes we did a train and a lot of possition and i relly wont forget that day!! now my teacher is my good friend and always when i want something i call him and repeat it! oki guys, please dream with me and njoy this amazing day! kisses a lot and good day! a BIG HUG AND SUCK DICK FOR U 1
My sec on day has been good, i have learned a lot like is not easy start from the scratch, i have worked in this business for more than one year because i have my own studio and i though it would be easy but it isn't! why, i donna maybe i feel nervous or sometimes i don't feel what i should feel but i like it! sometime u feel the press ion above ur head it can make u progress, but i am trying to improve my skill and do the best for today, i can stop to think what happened yesterday but is ok today, i can do it today.ok sorry for the guys whose wanted to see me yesterday i can do it today! come on guys and enjoy of my shows! :D Mi segundo da ha sido bueno, he aprendido mucho al igual que no es fcil empezar desde cero, he trabajado en este negocio por ms de un ao, porque tengo mi propio estudio y pens que iba a ser fcil, pero es ISN t! Por eso, i Donna Tal vez se siente nervioso o, a veces no me siento lo que debera sentir, pero me gusta!en algn momento que tu sientes el ion de prensa sobre la cabeza de UR se pueda hacer progresos u, pero estoy tratando de mejorar mi habilidad y hacer lo mejor para hoy, puedo dejar de pensar lo que pas ayer, pero hoy en da est bien, puedo hacerlo hoy.ok lo siento por los chicos cuyos quera verme ayer que puedo hacer hoy! vamos chicos y disfrutar de mis programas! : D
Hello guys, i wanna tell u today that i am new and at this time i will do the best job beeing my first time, i hope u can come to my room and enjoy a crazy personality, u would love my movements and how i dance with my stomach, jaja i am so fun and i enjoy being plesurable. i am the big boss and ur secretary, i can be ur slave and ur boss because i love role play and u will love how i dream with u! blees guys and big kiss for u ! :d+Hola chicos, quiero decir u hoy que soy nuevo y en este momento voy a hacer el mejor trabajo en muy buen estado mi primera vez, espero q les puede venir a mi habitacin y disfrutar de una personalidad loca, u gustara que mis movimientos y cmo bailo con mi estmago, jaja soy muy divertido y me gusta estar plesurable. Yo soy el gran jefe y el secretario ur, i puede ser la esclava de ur ur y el jefe, porque me encanta el juego de roles y u amar como yo soar con u! Blees chicos y un beso grande para u! : d
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