Sex. With sex everything was easy. Sex was everywhere. And he was not really attached importance. Love. Love has always been difficult to find, even if you are looking for her, they were doing a few, and even if you find it, it managed a few. Even though she was under your nose ... like it could be seen among all this sex? ..
Hi) I know what a dream! and the feeling when your dream comes true! sometimes it seems like a dream! and that this moment is not good and it is short! if you are born and you see all the colors of life going on around you! you notice those little things which are never paid attention! Now I have new eyes! through which I can see again! I made a laser vision correction! and born again
Greetings, everyone ) Today's topic - taking pictures ) This is something we all do from time to time. Every time I see something interesting, beautiful or unusual, I want to capture that moment, so that some time later I can look at those pictures and remember how it all happened. Some prefer videos, but I think that certain moments are better if they're saved as a still image. It's all about the details, and you get more of those in a photograph. Some day I will save enough to buy a decent DSLR camera with nice lens, but for now I have to use - please don't laugh at me - my phone ) I don't want to settle for some crappy camera since the result won't be all that much better than my phone and i'll get another bulky device to carry around with me. I also realize that it's not just the camera, but also the skill of the photographer, steady hands, the general feel of the picture and the ability to catch a good moment - but hey, I want to give it a shot and I need proper tools for this ) at least that way if the image isnt great, I'll know I'm the only weak link and the tools did their job just fine. I tried to do this with my dad's camera many years ago, but quickly gave up because it required a lot of film and took a long time to develop, and I was young and impatient. But now it's age of digital technology, now I can get the result instantly and immediately delete the crap one inevitably gets while trying to get that one perfect shot. Maybe soon my dream will come true and maybe some day you'll see my work. Stay tuned, guys! kiss
Hello again, my friends ) Another lovely day that we get to spend together with each other ) I was walking to my studio today and saw a really drunk man who couldn't get up. I was already a little late, but something told me that I should help him and so I did. It was hard since he was heavy, couldn't stand on his feet, was dirty, plus his pants kept falling off ) But in the end I got him to his building and was on my way. However, that made me think...some would say that while people keep helping him, he won't have a reason to fight being a drunk and will keep doing this: getting drunk and expecting others to help because that's how it always has been. But then again, I don't know whether he even suffers from it all, maybe he escapes something by drinking and doesn't want to sober up. I read Charles Bukowski, he used to drink all his life, one time he almost died from it, but that was his way and partly because of that, we're now able to read so many of his great stories ) So, how to decide when to help and when make a person do something himself?
Hi there, dear guys - hope we'll have more fun today ) Today I am going to tell you something you can probably relate to ) I work and study, so I meet a lot of different people every day. I even have some people I could actually call friends among them. But even with those people I have my limits. I mean, we can discuss a lot of things and I can trust them with certain things - but I do wish I had someone who truly would be my soulmate, a real friend with no boundaries who would be like a part of me. There are things that I just cannot trust to tell anyone - some things I'm embarassed of, some I'm not proud of, some I'd like to do, but I'm afraid to tell about it..and it would be truly great to know that there's someone who I can open my mind to without holding anything back...who would accept me for what I am and who wouldn't judge me. I'm sure that I'm not the only one here who feels that way and that's yet another reason why I like this place so much - since the communication is virtual, many people just loosen up and aren't afraid to be who they really are. It might sound silly, but I actually believe that it's possible to find someone like that here - and not just that, it's also possible to find out whether we're sexually compatible in advance ) So, every day I come here, log on and go online, hoping to find that special someone meant just for me =) Who knows, maybe it's you?
Greetings, everyone! It took me a while to get here, but finally it's my first day on this website, i'm so excited to be here ) everything here is new to me and I'm very curious to find out as many details as possible. I've been told that people here are really nice and that spending any amount of time here doesn't even feel as work, hope that's all true ) So far I like it here, people are friendly and flirty, just the way I like it. I hope I meet many new friends here and maybe even learn a few things ) Plus I think it's a great opportunity for me to learn English better, since it can be very useful in life - I learned some English at school, but not as much as I would like to ) Also, I'm still young and haven't tried some of the kinky stuff yet, but I hear that people here will help me with that gladly ))) This is so exciting, I can barely even describe all feelings and emotions I'm experiencing at the moment ))) Who knows, maybe I'll even find that certain special someone I've been looking for all my life ) So I hope to see you all in my room soon, I'll do my best to make a good impression )
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