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Every day saw him pass my house. He always left early before six o'clock. His house was next to mine and from the roof he could see his room. He was a boy of military bearing. His broad shoulders and strong legs denoting a lot of exercise. Every night before bed would take a bath after repeated ejercicios.Yo would like to have your body, tell me, when I saw through my window, soaped, slowly, each day I noche.Día to follow their steps and was attentive to every move. At home, suddenly, I saw boys coming from different edades.Había mounted, with his savings, a gym on the top floor of his house, which now had become a gym. I said, this is my chance, and knocked on his door on a summer night. It was Sunday and no one attended. Only he and I met. I said, I work out in your business and have a body like tuyo.Me asked who I was, and felt, not knowing it was his neighbor. I did go to see the facilities. We were alone. He told me that if I could take my measurements. I told him how much it cost the course. Taking my hand, squeezing it and I said do not worry, just take off your shirt, which I agreed. He took my shoulders, my body was measured. Then I said, I wanna see your legs. And by grasping said, I have to work hard with you, start today. I did a routine. Almost killed me. Each year stronger than the other. It was my first day of classes and the sweat fell to borbotones.Luego nearly two hours, I said I'm leaving. He grabbed my shoulder and said. You can not leave wet. Undress to take a shower. Now he was in the bathroom before, seen from my bedroom. I went only to the shower and then went naked. And I said do you have soap?. Grace said. He got into the shower with me. And I saw his big cock brunette. My blue eyes were dazzled, and without saying a word, she touches the cock. Like it? If you can suck it, I said .. I did it with frenzy and introduced, complete, in my fantasy had been fulfilled boca.Mi, now I had with me, and I left him, do with me what he wanted. I took it and penetrate and also invited me to do so. And so, dump my cum in her ass white moreno.Tendidos were absorbed in the bed and said he was happy that now could have a body like hers.
Some men want to watch the world burn And there's a guy waiting for her turn Waiting for the coming fall Waiting for a hurt to rival them all he knows deep down he's already gone he knows deep down that she was wrong Love wasn't enough to conquer Words weren't enough to be honoured Some men want to watch the world burn And there's a guy watching, concerned he knows there will be hell to pay Knows that he will rue the day He acts so callous, like he doesn't care None of his demons is he willing to share And he knows, he knows All the things that he won't show Some men want to watch the world burn Leave no one unbroken, no love upturned Because it is so easy to self destruct And pretend like love isn't enough All the promises, all the lies All the secrets he did confide And for what? A memory of yesterday When yesterdays begin to fade Some men want to watch the world burn Because this love he says he didn't earn So much hate for the man within So much hate for a man that sins And there is a guy that doesn't mind There is a guy that's been unkind A guy that would give it all away To give this love just one more day Some men want to watch the world burn And he wonders if he will ever learn Before he finds himself buried six feet below Without experiencing a love that glows he knows deep down, he can't save him And there are days he wants to hate him he just wants him to see him worth Believe for a second that he isn't cursed Some men just want to watch the world burn Because the truth is, love hurts
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